Adult Reading Program: What's in the Box?
On Tuesday, September 5th, come in at 4:00 PM and see if you're brave enough to reach in a box and guess what is hidden from your sight! If you are signed up for the adult summer reading program, you will get five points for participating!
- https://www.marioncounty1.lib.mo.us/calendar-news/events/adult-reading-program-whats-in-the-box
- Adult Reading Program: What's in the Box?
- 2023-09-05T16:00:00-05:00
- 2023-09-05T23:59:59-05:00
- On Tuesday, September 5th, come in at 4:00 PM and see if you're brave enough to reach in a box and guess what is hidden from your sight! If you are signed up for the adult summer reading program, you will get five points for participating!
Sep 05, 2023 from 04:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-500)
Blue Room, Marion County Library
Contact Name
Contact Phone
Intended for adults 18 and older
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