Adult Reading Program: What's my Name?
On Thursday, September 21st at 1:30 PM, come in for a game of "What's My Name?" The game will consist of everyone having a random name on an index card taped to their back with the goal of asking questions to figure out who you are! Participants will get an extra entry for a basket for the end of the program! Also, if you are signed up for the adult summer reading program, you will get five points for participating!
- https://www.marioncounty1.lib.mo.us/calendar-news/events/adult-reading-program-whats-my-name
- Adult Reading Program: What's my Name?
- 2023-09-21T13:30:00-05:00
- 2023-09-21T23:59:59-05:00
- On Thursday, September 21st at 1:30 PM, come in for a game of "What's My Name?" The game will consist of everyone having a random name on an index card taped to their back with the goal of asking questions to figure out who you are! Participants will get an extra entry for a basket for the end of the program! Also, if you are signed up for the adult summer reading program, you will get five points for participating!
Sep 21, 2023 from 01:30 PM (US/Central / UTC-500)
Blue Room, Marion County Library
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Intended for adults 18 years and older
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