Flower Arrangements for Valentine's Day!
For our monthly adult social, we will be making arrangements from crepe paper flowers! We will have some premade and materials for patrons who wish to create their own!
- https://www.marioncounty1.lib.mo.us/calendar-news/events/flower-arrangements-for-valentines-day
- Flower Arrangements for Valentine's Day!
- 2023-02-13T14:00:00-06:00
- 2023-02-13T23:59:59-06:00
- For our monthly adult social, we will be making arrangements from crepe paper flowers! We will have some premade and materials for patrons who wish to create their own!
Feb 13, 2023 from 02:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-600)
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Adults 18 and older are all welcome!
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